Rome: A Vast & Poweful Empire
Managing a Huge Empire
The borders of Rome stretched around 10,000 miles
Many different languages and customs
Rome's army didn't always include Roman citizens there were non-Romans there working for citizenship and to spread roman ways
An Economy Based On
Trade and Agriculture
Agriculture was most important industry
Trade was very Vast
Roads for Traveling and Tradeing were linked
Commmon Coin worked well for Trading and made it a lot easier
Most important part was feeding people
A Sound Government
Augustus was Rome's Best emperor
Augustus stabilized the Empire and made splendid npublic buildings
He set up a civil service for the government
When Augustus died his adopted son became his successor
The Emperors and Succession
Rome had no written law about succession
The Problem was temporaily solved by the Five Good Emperors
The Five Good Emperors chose a well respected by the people and army person to become next emperor.
After the the last of the good emperers died it marked the end of Pax Romana and the empires decline
Food and Entertainment
In the Empire wealth and social class made a huge difference on how you lived.
Some could afford to have day long parties while others had barely the necissities of life.
Poor people got daily rations of grain
To entertain people the government provided entertainment like games, races and mock battles
There was a lot of blood!
Gladiator battles were popular where they fought against animals or other people, mostly to the death
Pax Romana brought 200 years of peace and prosperity to Rome. Christianity devolped during this time