Without good nutrition you wouldn’t be good at sports.
if you aren't fit then you can't play sports very well.
Nutrition is important to sports as a good diet helps playing certain sports.

Health unit

Fit theory

Muscular strength

cardiovascular fitness

muscular endurance




Healthy eating

Good diet




substance use and abuse

always check if the other person has diseases or not.

Don’t do something you aren’t comfortable with.

Be careful about pregnancies.

respect others sexuality.

Wear condoms.






Reaction time

Personal safety

Always take caution and look around for anything out of the ordinary.

Don’t go in sketchy or dark areas at night like alleyways.

Try not to get into fights or an altercation.

Don’t take anything from someone you don’t know.

Never hitchhike or get in a strangers car.

Muscular strength,every wednesday we go and workout at school in gym,it has increased my muscular strength by a lot.

Going on diets can benefit you into getting more fit.

I play football
(soccer) a lot and it requires a lot of agility as you need to dribble or go past other players as fast as possible.
Reaction time is very important too in football as a goalkeeper needs to be very fast to stop the shots of the attacker.

I try to stay away from drugs.

i know people who have had kids unexpectedly when they weren’t financially or emotionally ready.