Seven Years War

Where did it Take Place?
The last battle before the French surrender in the Seven Years War was in the Plains of Abraham. Some of Britain's best troops sailed down the Sr.Lawerence River, up a mountain and faced the French head on. The British then went on to take New France without their commanding officer.
The Seven Years War also leaked over to
Europe between France and Britain
Some battles of the war also
were in India and at sea

What was the Cause of
The Seven Years War?
The Seven Years War happened as the last
war in the fight of conquering North America
The French and British wanted to expand their land
The First Nations were traded weaponry and beginning to see the Europeans true nature

Who was Involved?
The First Nations were somewhat of a neutral third
party, just wanting to protect their land. They also wanted to trade with both sides
The British put all their forces into taking North America, this being succesful as they won the Seven Years War against the French
The French, while determined, weren't solely focused on North America. Altough they were on better terms with the First Nations than the British, they still lost the Seven Years War
What Led to The Seven Years War?
British and French both wanted control of North
America and expand their empires
France and Britain both wanted land in
prime militaral position (New France)
The British took Louisburg from the French twice.
Creating a rivalry between the two nations

Who was Affected?
The French were affected by losing many
men and most of their North American land
The British were affected by owning
most of North America and winning
The First Nations were affected by being mostly drove
out of their land and most having to flee the British

Why did the British Win?
The British won because they were undivididly
focused on control in North America
The French were spending time and men
financially attacking Britain at the time
The British also were ruthless and did whatever they had to do, if that meant working with First Nations or fighting them
The British had a more head on and
surrounding strategy in fights