Species Sampling at Allan Gardens

Species Sampling at Allan Gardens



DICHOTOMOUS KEY SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST 8 STEPS if you have 8 species! 1) Is your species a plant? a) if YES, go to #2b) if NO, it is a ladybug. ...etc. etc.

Question 7: My Phylogenetic Tree (upload photos of your traits +/- chart and hand drawn tree, or of your Google Drawings)

Trait +/- Chart

Phylogenetic Tree for 6 of my species

Tropical House

Tropical House

coman name: Banana Leaf tree

coman name: Banana Leaf tree


scientific name: Musa

coman name: shrimp plant

coman name: shrimp plant


cientific name: Justicia Brandegeeana

Orchid-Bromeliad House

Orchid-Bromeliad House

Common Name: Dutchmans Pipe

Common Name: Dutchmans Pipe

Adaptive Traits: (list at least 3 using a VOICE NOTE)

Relationship between this organism and YOU and other organisms in the garden (WRITTEN NOTE)

coman name: Dendrobium Nobile

coman name: Dendrobium Nobile


Scientific name: Orchidaceae

Temperate Show House

Temperate Show House

Norfolk Island Pine

scientific name: Araucaria heterophilla


scientific name: Asteraceae

Common Name: Jasmine Plant

Common Name: Jasmine Plant

Species Name: Jasminium officiale

Adaptive Traits: (list at least 3 using a VOICE NOTE)


Relationship between this organism and YOU and other organisms in the garden (WRITTEN NOTE)


The Jasmine plant was located in the temperate show house. As this plant is naturally found in temperate to tropical environments, it was growing in a sprawling way that surrounded the olive trees. The blooms were very fragrant and would attract pollinators easily. As I was smelling the fragrance it elicited gratitude in that the lovely fragrance cheered me up immediately.


Arid House

Arid House

coman name:thread Agave

coman name:thread Agave

scientific name: Agave filifera

coman name: aloe vera

coman name: aloe vera

scientific name: Aloe Arborescens