Species Sampling at Allan Gardens
Question 6: My Dichotomous Key (WRITTEN NOTE)
My dichotomous key
Question 7: My Phylogenetic Tree (upload photos of your traits +/- chart and hand drawn tree, or of your Google Drawings)
Trait +/- Chart
Phylogenetic Tree for 6 of my species

Tropical House
Common name: Birds of Paradise tree
Species name: Strelitzia
Adaptive traits
Relations to me
Common name: Maidenhair fern
Species name: Adiantum Aethiopicum
Adaptive traits
Relations to me

Orchid-Bromeliad House
Fiddle leaf fig
Species name: Ficus lyrata
Adaptive traits
Relations to me
Species name:
Adaptive traits
Relations to me

Temperate Show House
Common name: Koi Fish
Species name: Cyprinus rubrofuscus
Adaptive traits
Relations to me
Common name: Norfolk Island Pine
Species name: Araucaria heterophylla
Adaptive traits
Relations to me
My phylogenetic tree
Arid House
Common name: Golden Barrel Cactus
Species name: Echinocactus grusonii
Adaptive traits
Relations to me
Common name: Round-Leaved Vine
Species name: Smilax rotundifolia
Adaptive traits
Relations to me