CSS Development
sepia filer, grey-scale filter, brightness filters, blur-filter etc.
animations are added to image with using filters
interactions are activated when you hover over an image and click on a image
Multi page websites
Can create multipage websites by creating style sheets.
can add other files as long as they end in .css or .html
embedding Iframes
can attach images, videos etc. by embedding an iframe
if you go to youtube or twitter and click share the iframe comes up and you copy and past it into your code
it defines a section of an HTML page
group a block of elements together to format them with CSS
to efficiently apply the same style severak different elemnts
tag is <span>
used to group and style inline elements
Ways to hide and display text
Display: block, none inline
Opacity: 01
Visibility: hidden, visible
inactive vs active
can make a class active
can make a class interactive
Reading documentation
special selctors
hover, active, inactive
use these for interactive images
content: "You have made a good decision";
this means that when you hover over the image a red text will appear and say you have made a good descision
The Box model
Adding padding: In your style sheet write the code, padding:15px;
In your style sheet write both: padding: 15px; and margin: 0px 30px 50px 15px;
Adding Margins: In your style sheet write the code, margin:30px;
HTML Development
HTML Basics
Tables: <table> <th> <td> <tr>
You always need: <!DOCTYPE html> <html></html> <head></head> <body></body>
Links: <a href=""> text or image whatever you want to link</a>
Img <img src="">
Lists: two types
<ul> <li> </li> </ul>
Nesting lists: <ol> <li> <ul><li> </li> </ul> </li> </ol>
Formatting text
<br> - line break, <hr> horizontal line break, <i></i>- italics, <b><b> - bold,
Advanced Html
The inspector
Right click anywhere on the page and select "inspector"
Multi-file websites
Select add a file and name it anything.html
Web design and development
The internet
Censorship: a tool used by people to stop the spread of information.
Copyright laws
CC BY-SA this license lets people build,"remix" and tweak an artists work
CC BY-NC-ND is the most restrictive liscense because it only allows people to download and share your work as long as they credit you
CC BY-NC this license lets people build, tweak and remix on an artists work for non-commercial us
CC BY is the least restrictive, it allows people to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon work even for commerical use.
A browser is a program that allows you to search for information and websites on it, google chrome, safari and firefox are all examples of browsers.
build the backbone of websites, typically from the ground up, and knows languages specific to the web.
the ability to understand what is needed to make a website functional and easy to use, but at the same time make it aesthetically appealing to the user.