Why do you want to be a teacher?
"Why do you want to be a teacher?"
Fade out
Tech details
upbeat music starts at high volume
Background is white and soothing
Dip to white for 1 second
Scene 1
Close up: Laure enters room puts down bag
Addresses the question in intro
text fades in: to motivate
Tech details
upbeat music lowers enough to hear speaker
hand-held camera technique
Dip to white for 1 second
Scene 2
Wide shot: Laure continues to describe why she wants to teach in same room as scene 1
Text fades in: to challenge students to think outside the box
Tech details
upbeat music lowers to hear speaker
Scene 3
Close-up: Laure sits at computer and does research
text fades in: to never stop learning
Tech details
upbeat music rises, Laure and her surroundings are muted
Shot taken from computer she is working on
Dip to white for 1 second
Scene 3
Wide angle shot from low perspective: Laure walks into frame, puts her bag down, sits crossed legged and adddresses another reason why she wants to teach
text fades in: to be creative
Tech details
upbeat music lowers
Dip to white for 1 second
Scene 4
Close up: Laure walks down a hall and addresses the final reason why she has chosen to teach
text fades in: to be the teacher that I never had
Tech details
upbeat music lowers to hear speaker
Hand-held camera technique
Laure's voice continues to be heard for 2 seconds after end of scene and once transition starts
Dip to white for 3 seconds
Scene 5
Camera pointed outward: Laure makes her way through her school and walks up to her classroom
Tech details
Can hear Laure's final words "that's the teacher I want to be"
upbeat music rises
whole shot taken as timelapse
Black screen for dramatic effect
Tech details
upbeat music is rising to its highest volume
Photo Montage
First: Laure addressing group of students
text fades in and out: There is so much value in teaching
Tech details
upbeat music remains high
Second: Laure hands award to student at art opening
text fades in and out: to bear witness to the growth and development of young learners
Tech details
upbeat music remains high
Third: Laure assist group of students with art project
text fades in and out: And have fun along the way
tech details
upbeat music remains high
Fourth: Laure watches on as student succeeds in art assignment
text fades in and out: that is why I want to be a teacher
tech details
upbeat music remains high
Full frame with Laure's details
text: Laure Mitchell, Tyndale College and Seminary, Bachelor of Ed, P/J
Tech details
upbeat music remains high and tapers off