Lozanov Is known as 'the father of accelerated learning.

Was a Bulgarian scientist, neurologist, psychiatrist, psychologist and educator, creator of suggestology, suggestopedia and integrated psychotherapy.

In the process learning uncovered previously hidden capacities and talents which Lozanov called the reserve capacities of the mind

LozanovĀ“s main concern was the mental physical and spiritual health of the learner. His system not only allowed students to learn without trauma and stress

Suggestopedia is a learning natural process by incorporating music, art, role playing and games into the curriculum

Showing teachers how to create an emotionally safe and rich environment that motivates learners.

It is based on 4 principles:

1. Sugestion: activates the mind and improves memory and learning

2. Activation of the brain.
3. Conscious integration - for conscious: Union of all that is to say we can not behave with divided behaviors or personalities

4. Pleasant environment: Essential for achieving an effective learning.


This method works through relaxation, decoration, organization and music within the classroom this aid memorize learning and concentration

This method aid to eliminate fear, negative being, negative suggestions and releasing personality.

It is based on finding the right state of serenity in the person who learns synchrony mind and body, using a different tone of voice or music that induces the brain


Psychological: the teacher organizes the content of the class

Didactics: the teacher creates different ways of presenting the material

Artistic: the teacher must use didactic material, different types of music to activate the right hemisphere.


To memorize by taking care of the entonation and rhythm of reading.

Related to yoga and rhythmic breathing exercises

Allows the student to concentrate

Music is used for the student to structure and organize ideas and feelings.

According to Lozanov comes from the Latin suggest: suggest and paedy: related to pedagogy.