Disadvantages of proposition
Gaps in capabilities
Lack of competitive strength
Reputation, presence and reach
Own known vulnerabilities
Timescales, deadlines and pressures
Cashflow, start-up cash-drain
Continuity, supply chain robustness
Effects on core activities, distraction
Reliability of data, plan predictability
Morale, commitment, leadership
Accreditations, etc
Processes and systems, etc
Management cover, succession
Political effects
Legislative effects
Environmental effects
IT developments
Competitor intentions - various
Market demand
New technologies, services, ideas
Vital contracts and partners
Sustaining internal capabilities
Obstacles faced
Insurmountable weaknesses
Loss of key staff
Sustainable financial backing
Economy - home, abroad
Seasonality, weather effects
Advantages of proposition
Competitive advantages
USP's (unique selling points
Resources, Assets, People
Experience, knowledge, data
Financial reserves, likely returns
Marketing - reach, distribution, awareness
Innovative aspects
Location and geographical
Accreditations, qualifications, certifications
Processes, systems, IT, communications
Cultural, attitudinal, behavioural
Management cover, succession

Market developments
Competitors' vulnerabilities
Industry or lifestyle trends
Technology development and innovation
Global influences
New markets, vertical, horizontal
Niche target markets
Geographical, export, import
New USP's
Tactics - surprise, major contracts, etc
Business and product development
Information and research
Partnerships, agencies, distribution
Volumes, production, economies
Seasonal, weather, fashion influences