Technology Integration Strategies for English and Language Arts
Support for Word Fluency and Vocabulary Development
online practice in matching letters and sounds
online practice in matching words and meanings
online tools to engage students in vocabulary learning
Support for Writing Instruction
strategies for preparing to write (pre writing)
Strategies to encourage writing
using word processing to produce written drafts
modeling to support revising and editing written drafts
providing feedback with grammar
providing feedback with spell-check
providing feedback with thesaurus features
providing feedback on student writing with editing tools
digital publishing of student work
Support for Comprehension and Literacy Development
Using digital text to encourage engaged reading
Supported reading with software and portable assistive devices
Digital story telling
Offers motivating environment for practice and motivating environment to engage students with word use

provides envrionments for modeling editing process and offers more editing flexibility
Helps students organize their thoughts prior to writing
gives students an authentic purpose, audience for their written works
offers more flexibility to revise while writing
provides environmnets for modeling supporting good writing
provides supportive environment for demonstrating revision needs
provides visual, immediate support and feedback during revisions of drafts