The Ford Administration
Political Background
Used to be a member of the House of Representatives
Was a House minority leader
Despite his time serving in Congress,
Ford had a rocky relationship with them
Ford ended up vetoing a few pieces
of legislation that Congress passed anyway
Gerald Ford survived two assassination attempts
Both were in California
One was an FBI informant named Sara Jane Moore
The second was Lynette Fromme
Positive presidential image
Many saw him as a nice person
Some media sources said he was 'faking presidency'
in that he didn't really act like a president
Friendlier than Nixon
Foreign Policy
Fall of Saigon
Ford appeared to be
Embarrassment for Americans
Operation Babylift
To help orphans
Knew that the fall of the
city was helpless
Wanted to continue foreign policy of
Nixon administration
Helsinki Accords
Brezhnev and Ford met to allow all
Europeans to be entitled to basic rights
Put the nations of Europe on record
SALT II Treaty
USSR and US pledged to limit nuclear arms production
Khmer Rouge seized an American ship
Called the Mayaguez
Ford sent in Marines to free the ship
Defeat of South Vietnam by the North
Many had worked with Americans
and didn't want to live under a
North Vietnamese regime
People fled by boat
Called boat people
One of the largest mass migrations
by sea in history
Energy policy became a battleground
Ford wanted to raise the price of domestic oil
He thought that the gas would be rationed and
would drive down oil consumption
Detente with the Soviets
KissingerĀ“s policy of containment
Adopting realpolitik
Path to the White House
Selected by Nixon after the resignation
of Spiro Agnew
As per the 25th amendment Agnew would
have been president
Some doubt in the eyes of the public,
especially due to his pardon of Nixon
Domestic Policy
Whip Inflation Now
Small Government
Create vegetable gardens
Reduce government intervention
Worsened the economy
Tried to restore public faith in government
Selected Nelson Rockefeller as VP
NY Governor
No one seemed to believe in the words
of their political leaders as a result of
Had to fix stagflation
Combated with WIN
Only focused in inflation
Recession deepened and unemployment rose
CIA Secrets released
Former agents wrote exposes and reporters
wrote about leaks that they were able to exploit
Initiative to look into allegations headed by the VP