The Languages of Colombia

99.2% of the population of Colombia speaks the Spanish language.

It must be one of the most linguistically homely countries on the planet.

The Spanish spoken in Colombia is different from the traditional Spanish spoken in Spain.

Many regional dialects of this language can affect the version of Spanish between one region and another.

The Colombian government recognizes sixty-five towns Amerindian or tribal peoples languages

Creole languages


English creole

The gypsy language is Romani, this is recognized on the islands of Santa Catalina, San Andreas and Providencia and is an official status of standard English.

There are one hundred and one languages in Colombia according to the ethnologue

Colombia would be one of the nations with the greatest linguistic diversity in America and in the world

In the year two thousand and fifteen
Seventy languages are spoken in Colombia

Approximately 850,000 people speak native languages.

Most of the languages are from the Arawak Ana, Chibcha, CaribeƱa, Tucanoana, Salibana, Bora-Witoto, Guajiboana and Barbacoa families.

Colombia has sixty-five
indigenous languages existing today