
(Keith) Two bit matthews
Is the oldest member of the gang
Dirty blonde hair
Grey eyes
Makes many jokes
Quite tall and stocky in build
Part of the gang with Ponyboy

Johnny Cade
Long jet black hair
tan skin
Looks like a puppy thats been kicked too many times
Smallest of the greasers but has a small build of muscle
Went through a lot the first time when Soc's jumped him and is now very scared at little things
Best friends with Ponyboy (is part of the gang)

Darrel/Darry curtis
Is the older brother to Sodapop and Ponyboy curtis
tall and muscular
Is a very hard working construction worker who pays the bills alongside Sodapop in the Curtis house.
Darry is very stern/strict Ponyboy and treats him like a child
Darry had to grow up very fast because his parents died when they were at a young age.
Has dark brown hair and pale blue-green eyes

Sodapop Curtis
Never reads and dropped out of highschool
Is very loving and understanding
Sixteen years old
He's hard working and works at a local gas station
Very handsome and attracts all the girls, but he has a girlfriend named Sandy
Is very athletic and even got a scholarship but didn't go to college to help out the oldest brother Darry with money
The older brother to Ponyboy and younger brother to Darry
Dark long hair
Best friends with Steve
Greaser girl
Blond hair
Blue eyes
Sodapop's girlfriend
Characteristics and personality traits of Ponyboy:
Light-brown, almost red hair
Greenish, gray eyes
Smart and gets good grades in school
14 years old
Younger brother to Darry and Sodapop Curtis
Part of the gang

Steve Randle
Seventeen years old
Part of the gang
Tall and lean
Cocky and smart
He has dark, thick brown hair he likes to comb in complicated swirls
Steve and Sodapop have been best friends since grade school
His specialty is cars and he works at the gas station with Sodapop
Steves' girlfriend
Sandy's best friend
Associates with greasers

Dallas/Dally Winston
Part of the gang
Has an elfish face with high cheekbones and a
pointed chin, small, sharp animal teeth, and ears like a lynx
Very blond hair without hair oil or grease because he didn't like to use it
Blue eyes
Dally's first time in jail was when he was ten, so he was one of the toughest and meanest of the group
On and off again girlfriend to Dally
Dark dirty blond hair
Associates with the greasers

Attractive like Cherry Valance (her best friend)
Good sense of humor just like Two-Bit Matthews
Girlfriend to Randy Adderson

Randy Adderson
Is a Soc
Gets drunk with his best friend Bob frequently
Boyfriend to Marcia

Sherri/Cherry Valance
Flirts with Ponyboy after Dally harasses her and her friend Marcia
Real name is Sherri but her nickname is Cherry because of her beautiful red hair
Cherry is very nice unlike some Soc's

Robert(Bob) Sheldon
Cherry Valances boyfriend
Gets drunk with Randy
Cherry gets upset about his drinking problem