WWI: The Trenches

Shell shock

‘Shellshock’ or what is now known as ptsd was a condition coined to describe the trauma the soldiers faced during the war

Doctors diagnosed almost 10,000 canadians in world war 1

Treatments included talk/ physical therapy and electroshock

The symptoms of shell shock included fatigue, tremors, confusion, nightmares, impaired sight and hearing loss


Soldiers were required to eat 4,300 calories due to the physical labor of the war^

Rations included tea, sugar, bread, cheese, jam, turnips,canned meat, bacon ,potatoes, broths and carrots.

Health and illnesses

The health of the solider was not the best the solider often suffered from trench foot, lice and the trenches were prone to rat infestation.

The rats the infested the trenches were brown and black rats, they could grow to the size of a cat

Deadly Gasses^

Chemical warfare is the use of chemicals to attack enemies

Mustard gas and chlorine gas ;these gasses were new to battle they were chemically made by germany and were first used on April 22, 1915
