How to start an online ecommerce business - Mind Map

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Are you opening an e-Commerce business on your own?

Plan everything in detail and organize your ideas on this mind map.

Keywords: marketing, e-Commerce business, social media marketing, business management, sales channels, product launch, e-Commerce website, marketing research, suppliers

How to start an online ecommerce business

Business name

What will be your business name?

Sales channels

Online shop

Create an account on online shops like Amazon or eBay and present your listing.

You can better promote your products by creating ads for them on these platforms and SEO-optimizing your product descriptions.

Google marketing

Marketing is essential for e-commerce businesses.

To sell more products, make sure your website and product listing pages rank high on Google.


Use SEO optimization to help people find your products and learn more about them.


Create a blog where you add useful information to your target audience and SEO-optimize the blog pages.

In this way, you can add links to your website and bring new visitors. You can promote your products and at the same time offer valuable information to your target audience.

Blog post idea

Type in a blog post idea.

Off-Page SEO

Improve your SEO by obtaining links from websites with high authority.

What are the websites you want to obtain links from?

On-Page SEO

SEO-optimize your website pages by using keywords, setting a meta title and a meta description, adding keywords in the URL and adding ALT Tags to images.


What are the keywords you are going to use on your website?

Do some keyword research and optimize all pages with different keywords.

Google ads

Google ads is also an essential part in making your business know.

Besides ranking your pages organically, you can promote your products and rank them using Google Ads

Google ad idea

Type in a Google ad idea.

Social media marketing

Social media marketing is also important to gain the trust of your future customers and to easily promote your product.

Both organic posts and ads work very well for e-Commerce businesses.


Think about some Twitter ads and posts ideas to promote your business and interact with your followers.


Think about some Linkedin ads and posts ideas to promote your business and interact with your followers.


Think about some Instagram ads and posts ideas to promote your business and interact with your followers.


Think about some Facebook ads and posts ideas to promote your business and interact with your followers.

Type in your idea.


Think about the launch of your new business.


Prepare the launch of your business.


Type in the name of the activity that you are going to do to prepare the launch of your new business.

Build your online store.

You can use a platfom like Wordpress to create a website very fast.

Website page

Think what would be the pages of your website and how they will be organized.

For example, you can have a Homepage, a page with business description and contact information and more pages with product listing divided in categories.


What would be your suppliers?


Search on different websites to see if they have the product that you are looking to sell.

In this way, you can even discover new product ideas that you didn't think about.


Research your competition and build a business plan.

Competitor's name

Type in the name of your competitor.


Type in an interesting idea that you have found at your competitor.

Try to find ideas that you would like to implement for your own business or just look for inspiration to come up with new ideas.


Choose a product to sell.

Product idea

Type in a product idea. You can think about more products or variations of the same product.

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