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Website Planner Template

Website Planner Template

This mind map is a checklist for planning a website. It helps you to identify the objectives for your site and suggests many of the things that you may need to consider. You can make notes about how you will include them in your design.

Keywords: planning a website, testing website, design your website, website maintenance, project management

Website Planner Template

Digital marketing is moving quickly so keep up! Learn how to plan a website structure using this mind map.

Brainstorm and find a name that strongly draws consumers and suggests what your business is about. Whether it's the first or the last thing you're doing, the name of your website will represent your brand and it will be the first thing that your customers will notice and remember.

Start with choosing one or multiple stakeholders and assign responsibilities. Then go on by defining your requirements: do a market research analysis and come up with a user segmentation that you will need in order to plan and create the content. Set the essential milestones for your website project and take into account A / B testing, which allows you to avoid unnecessary risks by optimizing your resources for maximum effectiveness and performance.

Once you've done all these steps, it's time to think of design and content. You will need to run keyword research, think of generic pages and features, choose the web site's style and outline the actual content. Include any reference sites that you find inspiring or not and think about how you will implement the business processes.

Implementation of a website is an essential process that needs careful planning, so identify the formats and browsers your site will support, the platforms you want to integrate it with and SLA metrics you will set up with the web site hosting company.

Lastly, pay close attention to your maintenance plan, as having a website well maintained and engaging is important to keep your customers committed and retained.

Where to next?

Once you have gathered the initial specification for your web site, you can use this map to:

Name of your Website

Type in the name of your web site and press Enter.



Service Level Agreements define the reliability and capacity of service and are usually part of an agreement with a web site hosting company.

Are there specific terms that you will require? Think about:

Add an action that you need to take to establish SLA metrics for your site.

Back-end connections

Include a back-end connection from the suggestions or add your own.

CMS databaseAuto-responder systemE-commerce paymentsStock control systemPermissions-based content
Secure connections

A secure server and HTTPS encryption may be needed if you are handling:

Add notes about actions you will need to take about using a secure server.

Server platform

Web sites can be implemented in a variety of ways. Choose from the suggestions or add your own.

Content Management System (CMS)Custom codedHosted on own serversHosted on third party servers
Browser support

What browsers will your site need to support?

It is difficult to support all browsers as technologies change. Many web sites declare older browser versions as unsupported.
Add included or excluded browsers and versions.


Add information about the formats your site will need to support.

Think about:



Regression testing

You should carry out a basic regression testing after making significant changes to your site or the back-end technology, in case some disruption has occurred.

Think about:

Link testing

Links tend to go stale over time and need periodic testing. Add a note about on you will detect broken links.

Options include:

Cross-browser testing

You will need to test against your supported browsers, especially after updates. Add some notes about how this will be achieved.

Think about:

Issue tracking

When performing tests, or receiving feedback on the technical aspects of the site, how will you collect and track issues?

Think about:

Acceptance testing

Add some information about acceptance testing.

Usability testing

You will need to test the usability and user stories that the site should deliver.

Think about:



Your web site will need to be regularly monitored to ensure that problems are detected early.

Think about:

Add actions to establish monitoring and response for your site.

Dynamic content

If your site contains dynamic information such as a blog, a news feed, user forums or regular campaigns, how will these be updated and published?

Think about:

Change control

What will be your process for managing change on your website?

Think about:

Add an action needed to establish change control.

Sources of change

Identify the sources of change on your website.

Think about:

Add a source of change for your website.


Design & content

Wire frames

How will you visualize your site structure and design?

You could use:

Your design should show the flow of typical actions and focus on making these as simple as possible.
Add some notes about communicating your site layout and design.

Business processes

What business processes will your web site trigger? Who will do these, and how?

Think about:

Add some notes about business processes that your web site will link to.

Site assets and content

Identify content and assets that you will need for your site. You can choose from the suggestions or add your own.

Partners & channelsTutorialsRatings and reviewsCase studiesProduct catalogueProduct & service descriptionsBrochures & data sheetsSpecificationsSkills & accreditationsTestimonialsDownloadsImagesVideosLogosOther
Generic features

You can choose from the suggestions or add your own.

Search functionNavigation & menusSocial media connectorsRegistration and loginUser account supportPermission marketingDiscussion forumsContact formsQuotation systemsReal-time chatAutoresponderseCommerceVideo or Flash® supportCookie opt-in complianceStorage of cookiesSite versioningApproval, publishing & rollbackOther
Generic pages

Add as many generic pages as you will need. You can choose from the suggestions or add your own.

BlogNews and announcementsTerms and conditionsDistance selling regulationsPrivacy policyPermission marketing policyAboutStaff directoryContact detailsContact / enquiry formSupportCopyrights & trademarksPress CentreSite mapFAQsOther
Reference sites

Add references to sites that you like or dislike, with reasons.

Site style

What website site are you aiming at?

Add some notes about the style for your web site.

Site name

Add the site name, if chosen. If not, then a site name based on preferred keywords should help with search engine optimisation.

Keyword research

What keyword research has been done or needs to be done? What terms are your target audience searching for?

Selected keywords will be needed for page names, body text and alt text for images, which will help with search engine optimization.
Add some notes about keyword research for your site.



What are the key milestones for your website project? Add a topic and target date for each milestone.

Think about:

A/B testing

Will you use A/B testing?

A/B testing tests the effectiveness of marketing techniques rather than the functioning of the technology. You can use it for:

Add some notes about A/B testing for your site.


Will you use A/B testing?

A/B testing tests the effectiveness of marketing techniques rather than the functioning of the technology.

You can use it for:

Add some notes about A/B testing for your site.

Add a persona

A persona is a type of user who may visit your site.

Think about:

Add objective


How might 'Add a persona' fail to 'Add objective'? What could go wrong?
You can add multiple topics here.


How will Step be detected? How can it be resolved?
You can add multiple topics here.



How will 'Add a persona' be able to 'Add objective'?

What are the steps in the normal (successful) process?
How will the user know they have succeeded?
You can add multiple topics here.


What privileges does 'Add a persona' need to 'Add objective'?

Do they need:

What privileges does 'Add objective' need to 'Privileges'?

Do they need:


Why would 'Add a persona' need to 'Add objective'?
What would motivate them to do this?

Why would 'Add objective' need to 'Reason'?
What would motivate them to do this?

Existing user data
Existing data

If you have existing marketing data about users and their needs, you can identify it or attach a file here.

Market segments
Market segment

Who are your target users?
Add a market segment that reflects specific users.


How will you communicate with stakeholders?

How will you do the following?


Add a stakeholder role. You can choose from the suggestions or add your own.


Add a responsible person

Perché utilizzare un modello di mappa concettuale Mindomo?

Le mappe mentali aiutano a fare brainstorming, a stabilire relazioni tra i concetti, a organizzare e generare idee.

Tuttavia, i modelli di mappe mentali offrono un modo più semplice per iniziare, in quanto sono strutture che contengono informazioni su un argomento specifico con istruzioni guida. In sostanza, i modelli di mappe mentali garantiscono la struttura che combina tutti gli elementi di un argomento specifico e servono come punto di partenza per la vostra mappa mentale personale. Sono una risorsa che fornisce una soluzione pratica per creare una mappa mentale su un particolare argomento, sia per il lavoro che per l'istruzione.

Mindomo offre modelli di mappe mentali intelligenti che consentono di lavorare e pensare senza sforzo.

Un modello ha diverse funzionalità:

Argomenti descrittivi

Argomenti con testo di sfondo

Ramo predefinito

Rimozione dei dati del modello

È possibile scegliere tra una varietà di modelli di mappe mentali dagli account aziendali o educativi di Mindomo, oppure creare i propri modelli di mappe mentali da zero. Qualsiasi mappa mentale può essere trasformata in un modello di mappa concettuale aggiungendo ulteriori note guida a uno dei suoi argomenti.