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Залізний майстер

Інтернет-магазин "Залізний майстер" спеціалізується на продажу комп'ютерних комплектуючих, таких як відеокарти, блоки живлення, корпуси, процесори, материнські плати, SSD-диски та оперативна пам'

Залізний майстер

Залізний майстер

This ancient civilization of Northeastern Africa is one of the most spectacular of the ancient world. Find out more about the people of Ancient Egypt, their gods and goddesses, magical land and daily life.

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Egyptian Art has a major role in conveying the essential traits of this great civilization.

The Egyptian art portrays best what this civilization valued the most, what people looked like, how they dressed, the jobs they had, etc.

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(1.Сторінка)-"Каталог залізних товарів"

A 'pharaoh' was the supreme political and religious leader of the land. The word 'pharaoh' comes from Greek and it initially related to the designation of a royal residence.

Each pharaoh was usually the son or declared heir of the previous pharaoh, born of the Great Wife (pharaoh’s chief consort) or sometimes a lesser-ranked wife favored by the pharaoh.
Among the over 300 pharaohs in ancient Egypt, only a few of them succeeded to leave behind an eternal legacy.

Уся продукція: віде-карти, блок живлення, корпуса, процессора, материнки, SSD-диск, оперативна пям`ять.

Guess the Pharaoh

Type in the name of this important pharaoh and the period in which he ruled. Example: Ahmose I, 1570 - 1546 BC.


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Egyptians wore make-up and jewelry because they believed this made them more attractive for the Gods. Also, jewelry was a sign of wealth - the more jewelry someone had, the richer he/she was.

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(3.Сторінка)-"Як з нами зв`язатися"

Ancient Egyptian Farming

One of the reasons for which this civilization was so successful was the fact that they used farming to produce their own food and cloth. The farmers grew their crops along the bank of the River Nile.

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