カテゴリー 全て - security - entertainment - travel - transportation

によって Aleesha Sohail 3年前.


-The Evolutionary Time Travel Timeline

The history of air travel and its accompanying services have evolved significantly over time, shaping how people experience journeys today. Initially, the invention of airplanes in 1903 revolutionized travel by offering unprecedented speed, comfort, and efficiency.

-The Evolutionary Time Travel Timeline

-The Evolutionary Time Travel Timeline

The main purpose of timelines is to display a series of actions within a particular time interval. Timelines can cover a bigger time period, they should not be very detailed. Howbeit, it is possible to add images, data, or figures.


By providing desirable alternative locations to stay when travelling, Airbnb has figuratively and practically revolutionised how people sleep when they're away from home. In this sense, Airbnb has transformed the hotel business by presenting travellers with a different option.

2016 was a peak for Airbnb, Airbnb offers a variety of locations to stay at for sometimes little than a day and up to 2 weeks.

The Unfortunate Pandemic 2019-Now

Traveling for some is inevitable, flight prices had plunctuated and many took advantage of that, because work for most was virtual it boosted peoples flexibility.
Covid-19 was a huge drawback in terms of Travel Many seen COVID-19 as a event to avoid travelling at all costs,

2012: The rise of Instagram!

Instagram encouraged many social media celebs to travel to reap good content for their followers.
The average person spends 2 hours on social media daily
70% of all instagram context is travel related

Airplane Makeovers (Security & Entertainment Implements) November 2001-2004

Layover were a notable shift in the tourism industry and allowed tourists with the option of visiting two destinations in one go and restrict the layover to the time of your preference.
Airports were elavated by implementing duty free shops and plenty of entertainment services like TV lounges and wide furnished seating areas.
George Bush initiated the Transortation security act, and employed tons to fuffil roles of airport security and invested billions towards airport cameras and various technolgies
Shortly after 9/11, airports were enhanced with makeovers.

1903 The Invention of Air-crafts

1903-The arrival of Airplanes!

America's airlines were providing a new level of speed, comfort, and efficiency to the travelling public by the end of the 1950s. The air travel experience began to change as flying grew more prevalent and jet aircraft began to replace piston-engine airliners.

The key to safer and more efficient travel.

Taxi & Uber services attract to solo travellers as they are more concerned for their well being.
Ubers & Taxis have become a universal ease in terms of transporting. You no longer require a car in order to travel far distances. The safety and affordable prices have served as a convinience

2009-The Best Transportation Service! (Uber)

Places with heavy Uber & Taxi presence, are travel motivators


Smoke pours from the twin towers of the World Trade Center after they were hit by two hijacked airliners in a terrorist attack September 11, 2001 in New York
Lots of racism and people were consumed by fear of enduring another terrorist attack.
After the sudden tragedy of 9/11, travelling had a major decline,

The Early 1800's

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Thomas Cook established the first ever leisure travel agency, and was made to assist people improve their experience, in terms of traveling the world. He invented packaged tours with relatively affordable railway tickets and a printed guide.
During the 1870's America came up with statutory holidays allowing for breaks, which gave the ease of being able to leave work to take a break.
The Industrial Revolution:

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Individuals in the mid 1800's typically were farmers, precisely men. Hence they couldn't leave their animals & crops unsupervised to go on a vacation.

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