によって BMSS_ YipEunice_ 1F 12年前.
$1-$5 per package
Fresh Fruits
Dark green vegetables
Lean Meat
Bitter, sour
Fast Food
Sweet Food
Cavaties formed on a tooth can cause pain and infection
If left untreated, tooth may need to be extracted.
Excessive intake of sugary food
People with obese have greater risk of developing diseases
Such as
Condition in which the brain loses some or all of its functions when the flow of blood to it is blocked
Too much salt in our diet can increase hypertension
Coronary heart disease
Food containing saturated fat increase the amount of cholesterol in blood
food that are high in cholesterol
shell fish
High-fat dairy products
Red meat
Coconut milk
Occurs when excess cholestrol in blood causes a build-up of fatty deposits in the coronary arteries
This fatty deposits block the blood flow to the heart muscles and damage them
The damaged heart muscles may stop pumping and cause a heart attack
Damaged heart muscles cannot be repaired and it affects the normal functioning of the heart
Chemicals that are used to male processed food are thought to be carcinogenic
Carcinogenic can also be found in preserved food
such as
Pickled vegetables
salted fish
Carcinogenic are substances that cause cancer
General term for diseases in which abnormal cells in the body multiply out of control.
THis affects the proper functioning of organs in the body
Insulin is absent or not used properly by body
Too much glucose in the blood can cause
Weight loss
Blurred vision
Freuent urination
Glucose cannot be converted into energy properly and remains in the blood
People who have diabetes have 'sugar in the urine'
Occurs when unhealthy eating habits is practised over a period of time
Excess calories the body does not need
Stored in the body as fats
A lifestyle with little or no physical excercise
Excessive intake of high-calorie food that have a high amount of fats and sugar
A health condition where there is an excessive accumulation of fats in the body
Iron is needed to form red blood cells
It is especially important for girls who reached puberty as they lose alot of blood during menstruation
For proper growth and development
To provide sufficient energy
Should only be eaten sparingly
Eaten Mainly to enhance the taste
2 servings and 250-500 ml of milk per day
Eaten mainly for growth
2 servings per day
Eaten mainly for good health
6-7 servings per day
Eaten mainly for energy
Use food with less sugar, salt and fats.
Fruits and vegetables
Use fresh food instead of canned food
Religious beliefs
More Fruits and Vegetables
Less Sugar
Less Oil
Less Butter