カテゴリー 全て - development - trade - diseases - poverty

によって Caryl Penarubia 2年前.


8 MDGs

The focus is on achieving sustainable development goals, including ensuring environmental sustainability. Benefits include cleaner air, renewable energy, job creation, and improved sanitation access.

8 MDGs

8 MDGs

Global Partnership for Development

Expanded int. trade agreements

Imp. access to aff. med.

Red. poverty through gov. debt relief grant

Dev. ICT infras.


Heav. indebted count. obtain relief & funds

Combat poverty, maln, funds for edu. & social proj.

Fair trade

Ensure environmental sustainability

Cleaner air & env.

Clean, env-friendly, renew, energy

New jobs & business

Increased access to sanitation

Live heathier & enjoy a clean & green env.
Investing & supp. sustainable energy




Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria & Other Diseases

Imp. housing conditions

Increased access to anti-malarial med.

Safer sex behavior & prev. edu.

TB Screening of HIV/AIDS person

TB-Directly Observed Treatment Short (TB-DOTS)

Insecticide-treated nets

These diseases affect productivity & growth of nations

Children are more vuln. to exploitation & abuse

Effects of disease outbreak

Social crises

Shortage in prof. workers

Loss of jobs

Improve maternal health

Imp. & proper nutr. of women

Benefits of birth spacing & small fam. size

Education of imp. of maternal health

Better & imp. access to hospital care

Postnatal care

Prenatal care


Mother's health = fam. health & wellness

Maternal health eradicates:

Women's disability

Lower birth deaths

Dec. workforce



Reduce child mortality

Immun. programs

Survival & better health of mothers

Better nutr. programs

Programs & Policies:
Imp. nutri. intake

Imp. HC facilities & infras.

Promote gender equality & empower women

Childhood dev. intervention

Promote women's pol. rights

Imp. rep. health programs

Gender eq. in edu.

Imp. access to work & labor policies

Equal rep. of men & women

Empower women

Creates opp. in edu, work, finances, etc.

Achieve universal primary education

Children more likely to:

Family plan

Know rights & respons.

Seek employment

Decreased risk of STDs

Support & protect. of vuln. countries

Educated women

Seek medical care during pregnancy

Ensure proper nutrition

Adopt healthy sanitary practices

Ensure children's immunization

Eradicate extreme poverty & hunger

Suggestions to eradicate poverty:

Gender Equality

More jobs

Invest in agric.

Strengthened nutr. programs

Support & protection of vul. countries

Dev. countries (Africa & Asia) = extreme poverty & hunger

Poverty & hunger > severe malnutrition > lifelong physical & cognitive damage > affects health, well-being & economy