によって anwar alq8 13年前.
The practice of ablution involves specific acts and conditions to be followed for it to be considered valid. Key elements include washing hands, face, arms, and feet, alongside rinsing the mouth and nose.
Ablution Ablution required Circumambulation Prayer Ablution recommended carrying deceased vomiting after negating ablution every prayer after eating what cooked over fire before ghusl sexual defilment Mentioning the name of Allah Conditions for the correctness of ablution Perform acts one after other Mentioning The Name Of ALLAH Intention Negates Ablution eating camels meat touching private part losing consciousness sleep whatever comes out the private parts Subtopic Recommended acts related 2 Ablution 2 rak`ahs after sublication afterwards In proper order washing each part 3T. rubbing forearm right before left rinse extensively/ not fasting combining rinsing mouth & noes 3 T. washing hands 3T. using toothstick Compulsary washing between fingers & toes running fingers throug the beard washing feet until the ankles wipping head & ears washing arms -elbws Washing face includes rinsing mouth and nose Characteristics