によって Glória Andrade 1年前.
Active Learning VS Passive Learning
The dynamics of learning can be broadly categorized into passive and active processes, each with distinct methods and goals. Passive learning typically involves teacher-centered approaches where students receive information through lectures, note-taking, and reading.
Less interest Less involvement Disengagement Teacher's Role Instructing Explaining ideias Presenting ideas PASSIVE LEARNING PROCESS Methods / Strategies - Taking notes - Pay attention - Reading - Teacher-centred learning method - Lectures - Receive information Excitement Engagement Innovation Autonomy Communication Critical Thinking Creativity Collaboration STUDENT / LEARNER ACTIVE LEARNING PROCESS Aims Preparing for the real world Learning by doing Building Knowledge Having fun Solving problems Being independent Methods / Strategies - Project based learning lessons; - Using technology (mobile phones; tablets...) - Collaborative work - Group projects: think - pair - share - Peer teaching - Debates - Role playing - Individual Activities - Self evaluation Teacher's role - Facilitator - Encorages the students to be the protagonist of the learning process - Guides de students in their search for knowledge