によって Melanie Nolan 6年前.
Agents of Socialization
The process of socialization shapes individuals by teaching them the values, beliefs, and behaviors necessary to function in society. Education plays a crucial role by imparting both explicit knowledge and implicit societal norms through the hidden curriculum.
Factors of Socialization
what makes us who we are Peer Groups Coleman´s Study Peer groups mold our traits We choose friends that are both different and similar to us We tend to turn out like our friends Influence the way we see ourselves Education Hidden Curriculum Teaches hidden values and beliefs, things valued in society Teaches function of a larger society Teaches skills and values of society Socializes groups of young people Mass Media Fairy Tales Enforced by mass media Help kids master values Changing as we consume more from a younger age Influences our opinion on almost every issue Designed to reach larger audiences Total Insitution Everman Goffman Breaks down existing identity Causes all new values to develop Resocialization
Study how some instutions control every aspect of life Secondary Sociology Socialized outside the home and through society at large Anticipatory Sociology Social groups that teach us our attitudes about the world Every aspect of life based on religon Gives strength and values for life Family Class Socialization Learning attitudes and expectations from our social class Race Socialization Attitudes about race and other races taught by groups Gender Socialization Starts directly from birth Learning societal and social traits associated with a person´s assigned gender Cultural Capital Non financial assets that help you suceed in the world Invented by Peirre Bourdieu Primary socialization First teachers of all aspects of society Introduction to values, beliefs, norms, behaviors Most important socialization agent Teaches core elements of socialization Determines attitudes towards religion and starting a career Responsible for youth