カテゴリー 全て - treatment - evolution - animals - fear

によって alisha hutchings 6年前.



Phobias are intense, irrational fears of specific objects or situations, causing significant distress and avoidance behavior. Common examples include acrophobia (fear of heights), cynophobia (



what is it?

what s a phobia? a phobia is a fear of something

some unpopular phobias

Turophobia- fear of cheese

some popular phobias

what is cynophobia? cynophobia is the fear of dogs
what is Aerophobia? aerophobia is the faer of flight
what is acrophobia? acrophobia is the fear of hights
the fear of snakes
So why are so many people terrified of arachnids? While there are an estimated 35,000 different spider species, only around a dozen pose any type of real threat to humans. One of the most common explanations for this and similar animal phobias is that such creatures once posed a considerable threat to our ancestors who lacked the medical know-how and technological tools to address injuries from animals and insects. As a result, evolution contributed to a predisposition to fear these creatures.
Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders and other arachnids. This phobia is quite common, affecting as many as 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men. The sight of a spider can trigger a fear response, but in some cases, simply an image of an arachnid or the thought of a spider can lead to feelings of overwhelming fear and panic.
Manuel Breva Colmeiro/Moment/Getty Images
Image of a spider on a web
The following phobias are ten of the most common objects or situations that lead to marked fear and symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, and breathlessness. In some cases, these symptoms escalate into a full-blown panic attack. These common phobias typically involve the environment, animals, fears of injections and blood, as well as certain specific situations.
Phobias are surprisingly common, but what exactly do people fear the most? Are there any phobias that tend to be more common than others?
There are a number of explanations for why phobias develop, including evolutionary and behavioral theories. Whatever the cause, phobias are treatable conditions that can be minimized and even eliminated with cognitive and behavioral therapy techniques and medication.
Terrified of the creepy-crawlies? Scared of slithering serpents? Well, you’re not alone. According to the American Psychiatric Association, phobias are the most common psychiatric illness among women and the second most common among men. The National Institute of Mental Health suggests that phobias affect approximately 19.2 million U.S. adults. These phobias typically emerge during childhood or adolescence and continue into adulthood. They also impact twice as many women as they do men.
Symptoms and Diagnosis
More in Phobias


Updated February 09, 2018




By Kendra Cherry | Reviewed by Steven Gans, MD
10 of the Most Common Phobias
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what is arachnophobia? arachnophobia is the fear of spiders