によって donald mjonono 7年前.
ARD Prevention by Improving Packed Bed Stability
The main focus revolves around the stabilization of packed beds to prevent acid rock drainage. This involves examining both dry and wet packing methods, with attention to mixing protocols and specific gravity.
specific gravity bulk density Net Acid Producing Potential Acid Neutralising Capacity physical barriers backfills Prevent oxidation reactions inhibit permeation of aqueous oxidants layered/blended packing packing density void ratio water/solid ratio void volume dry/wet packing Mixing protocols sample rheology Slump slump height spread yield stress Carry out column leach tests Sulphate concentration permeant flow rate Fe/Ferrous Ion concentration Aspect ratio bed height solid material volume bed diameter Analyse packing methods sample loading approach non-consolidated packing settlement consolidated partilcle settlement jigging shoveling rodding Develop Packing Protocols Mechanical packed structural bed strength packed bed compressibility behaviour compressive load compressive extension
Physical Investigate rock mineralogy porosity waste rock shape PSD Vary waste rock to fine waste ratio (w/w) ACID ROCK DRAINAGE PREVENTION BY IMPROVING PACKED BED STABILITY Geotechnical Approach Chemical Approach rock sample characterisation determine ARD producing potential Biokinetic tests
surface area
ABA tests
determine sulfur content coat sulfidic rocks apply synthetic coatings