によって John Hayter 2日前.
PROJ - ASC Folder Structure
The document outlines a detailed plan for improving communication and collaboration within the organization. Key actions include sending communications to team and unit managers, establishing a new Microsoft Teams setup, and scheduling monthly meetings.
Next Steps Schedule monthly mtgs (SM) Timeline from Emily (SM) New MS Teams (KG) Speak to Emily to visit Stakeholder Groups Set-up Stakeholder Group by
Mid November (KD) Comms to Team Managers
and Unit Managers (KD and KG) Comms to all staff (KD and KG) TRAINING Use of Teams for calls etc (M365) Version control (or not) Naming Sharing and security COMMS Need to ensure 2-way comms
Get clear feedback from staff Connectivity corporate; needs to be ASC Coproduce with staff Mngrs / ATMs Expectations of time and commitment ASC 365 Champs (c20) Stakeholder Panel Start ASAP Questions /
Points /
Observations KD - Best way to get contributions from staff (move them off mute). MC - Version control and naming conventions SM - No client data so opportunity to share more folder access across teams KD - Blues to be read only / limited access; 3 or 4 admin per area; MC - pdf documents KD - 'Open service area'; benefits of new monitoring, checks and balances KD - Pinks - buttons at the top
Blues - links within body of page MC - Links to Intranet Space Duplication ASC Folder Structure Recording Systems Support User Guides Information
Governance Quality Assurance Stat Returns Performance Management Management Information Best Practice Brieifings and Newsletters Communications Policies and Procedures Strategy Portsmouth Adult
Safeguarding Board Safeguarding, Mental Health
and Learning Disability
Regulated Services Quality and Performance Provider Services Unit B Unit A Shared Lives Inspection Care and Support All staff Service Plan Staff Briefing South North Team Meeting Team Plans Market Development and
Community Engagement
Development and Projects Contracts and Commissioning Team Quality and Performance Meetings Supervision Team Plan ASC Finance Add text