によって Emily Barnett 16年前.
FIshbein & Ajzen 1975
Reagan study
quicker response time when asked qs about Reagan - more accessible - more likely to vote the way had said.
personal involvement
Sivacek & Crano 1982
acquiring more info
Kallgren & Wood 1986
opinion polls less accurate month before than week before
womens attitudes towards contraceptive pill
do you think you'll ever take contraceptive pill
do you hink you'll take the contraceptive pill in next two years
better predictor.
specific attitudes better predictors of behaviour than g eneral attitudes
3 months with young CHinese couple across the USA
1 out of 250 hotels and restaurants refused service
6 months later sent letters asking if they would serve Chinese patrons
Of the 128 replies 92% said they would refuse to serve Chinese people
i.e. attitudes don't predict behaviour
(not specific enough - chinese couple travelling with western man)
learn from family/culture
observational learning
e.g. maths praise - +ve maths attitude
Staats & Staats 1962
meaningful words (e.g. large) paired with shocks/loud noises
more extreme negative attitudes towards conditioned words
Zajonc 1968
10 Chinese like characters on screen for 2 seconds each. characters varied in no. times presented.
mere exposure effect