によって Sevinç Kantor 11年前.
The Audio-Lingual Method emphasizes the development of speaking and listening skills through structured drills and memorization. It aims to teach language actively in communication, prioritizing proper pronunciation and grammar.
Audio-LingualMethod-SevincKantor Criticism Only listening and speaking skills develop. Repetition and memorization are not good method. Students are passive. Disadvantages students can't improve their reading and writing skills. Students are isolated. Advantages Students are not stressed because language learned individually. Grammar learning is more effective. Speaking and listening skills develop. Features L1 is not used. Pronunciation is important. Audio visual devices are important. Students' feelings are not considered. It is a teacher centered method. Speaking skill is important. The teaching of culture. Inductive teaching. Techniques drills memorization diyalogue Student's Role They are expected to answer the questions quickly. they imitate teacher. Teacher's Role He controls the class. He is a model. Purpose To teach language aktively in communication.