によって daryll hull 11年前.
The document outlines a collaborative approach aimed at fostering innovation and expanding business opportunities. It emphasizes working together to develop new products and services, with a focus on innovative service delivery.
WORKING TOGETHER OFFICE ACCESS 24/7 access All office expenses IT and communications Office space COMMERCIAL BASIS EXPENSES Marketing budget agreed at beginning All reasonable expenses reimbursed EQUITY No conditions Agreed value of $200K 10% or ordinary shares Option to purchase after 2 years NEW WORK I BRING IN 50:50 split on gross margin WORKING IN THE BUSINESS Charge out at Principal's rate SHARED GOALS Having fun! Increasing shareholder value Building the business PROFILE Attend all management and planning meetings Defacto or real Associate Director Free to roam around and support anyone No line role BIS business card Title of "KNOWLEDGE PARTNER" CONTRIBUTION TIME Approximately 1-2 days per week average MENTORING STAFF Younger staff NEW PRODUCTS AND SERVICES New ways of doing business Innovation in service delivery ACADEMIC CONNECTIONS Post graduate teaching and supervision Publications Research Executive short courses Macquarie University and others BUILD NEW BUSINESS New sectors Health economy
Supply Chain
Deepen work with existing client base New clients REVIEW BUSINESS MODEL Social media opportuntieis Look at community profile explore alliances Extend reach of the business Examine business model and offer ideas Work mainly ON the business, not IN the bsuiness