によって gabby steel 3年前.
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The field of medicine encompasses a wide range of specialties and practices, each addressing specific health concerns and patient needs. Emergency medicine focuses on immediate, life-saving interventions, such as ensuring open airways and proper circulation.
the course palliative care and communication 3 ways to treat cancer surgery radiotherapy chemotherapy 4 medical ethical pillars Justice Non maleficence Beneficence autonomy 5 parts for end of life care 4.support 1. recognise 2.communicate 5. plan and do 3. involve emergency medicine 5 things to check in accident 5. exposure 4. disability 3. circulation 2. breathing 1. airways different types of medicine O AB B A general practice 3 principles of the NHS based on clinical needs
not ability to pay free at the point of delivery meet the health needs
of everyone mental health other types of
psychiatric problems bipolar schizophrenia substance misuse eating disorders symptoms of depression find enjoyable Low energy Low mood elderly medicine common
health problems
in the elderly cancer reduced vision infections diabetes dementia medicine and surgery some different types of
surgeons vascular breast neurosurgeons ENT