カテゴリー 全て - unity - acceptance - peace - support

によって kallie wilkins 12年前.



A vision of a better world emphasizes the importance of unity, acceptance, and love. The pursuit of happiness and peace necessitates that people come together and stop judging others based on material possessions or social status.


The buildings came down and many innocent people died in this crisis. After 9/11 happend many people lost their family members or one they knew. The families that lost their loved ones need help and support from others. The mothers that didnt have jobs and lost the people that care the most about them had nothing left but starvation. They needed to find a job quick so that they were able to feed the rest of their family so that they wouldnt starve as well. they needed money to help their families. They counted on friends and relatives.



What kind of world do you want?

I want a world were we all need to come together as one and that we all need each other right now for happiness, peace and most importantly LOVE! I see and think that we all need to accept one another for what he/she has in life. It’s not fair that other people are judging you on what you can afford, or what you wear or your wealth or where you live. People make fun of you because you can’t own nice clothes like them, or because you can’t afford to have a phone. Period point blank it’s just not fair.

Because if everyone comes toghether as one violence could stop and peace could take action and change the perspectives of everything. Plus with all the comotion with the great depression, hurricane sandy, terrorist attacks and many more we could use a helping hand.


These last couple years bullying has been a big issue in the U.S , children are killing them selves and the bullyse are being/waiting to be trialed. It's das, both familys lose a loved one.

Whats gone wrong????

Subtopicpeople cant support their families, because they have had a recent boom in life. families that have been in a war or family members that have been in a war have maybe lost loved ones.
people who have been caught in war, not because they joined to fight but because

In my perfect world there would be no....

Bullying, Bullies, No Fights, No Enemies, No Weapons/Violence. But one thing there would be is PEACE. people would actually get along for once and not cause any fights.


Right now thousands of children are without a family, and most with family get abused. It's not fair that innocent children are being abused for NOTHING. Thats why thanksgiving is an important holiday, just to be thankful for what you have because it may not be much but it sure can be plenty. Some children don't/can't have thanksgiving, and it really does make me feel bad because they're not living a nice and healthy life they decide.
This year I asked several different people if they would give up anything/any holiday to give to another family who can't have one. They all said "YES" including me. I think that no child shouuld go without food,shelter, and also water. o this thanksgiving I asked my self that very special question.


Right now there are thousands of children starving, 870 million people do not have enough to eat and 98 percent of them live in developing countries. Women make up a little over half of the world's population, but they account for over 60 percent of the world’s hungry. About 25,000 people dieng a week from starvation. Do I think its fair? "No." But I do not think it's our fault other countries are suffering, but we could put our differences aside and lend a helping hand. It amy not be our responsibility but it may be nice to do something good for our own country.