によって Jacob Moore 5年前.
Business ideas
Innovative products such as biodegradable gum, cleat protectors, and wire de-tanglers bring practical benefits while addressing common issues faced by consumers. Biodegradable gum offers more natural flavors and decomposes quickly, reducing litter and mess.
Best Ideas for products cleat protectors hard to run in or easy to forget about might not work with some cleats cleats last longer Cheap or it can come with cleats Doesn't damage cleats while walking on pavement, metal or any terrain that damages the cleats Biodegradable gum wouldn't have as much flavours as normal gum Many people probably would other brands of gum More natural flavours in these gums Gum under desks wouldn't last as long as they usually do Gum can be spit out anywhere outside and in a few days it would be gone Pros Wire De-tangler Pros: might get confused if there are too many wires or if it looks normal Would run out of battery easily Machine could malfunction and break a important wire Cons You don't risk breaking or damaging the wires using the De-tangler ~De-tangles wires and folds them nicely for easy storage ~Saves the Consumer time with De-tangling wires