カテゴリー 全て - polar - derivatives - vectors - continuity

によって Melanie Chua 11年前.


Calculus III

The document delves into advanced concepts in Calculus III, focusing on various key topics crucial for understanding higher-level mathematics. It elaborates on the ε-δ definition of continuity, detailing the conditions under which a function is continuous within a given interval.

Calculus III

Calculus III

Applications of Derivatives

Motion Along a Line
instantaneous speed

I v(t) I

Linear Approximations
for all points near a
Tangent and Nomal Lines
Maximum and Minimum

First derivative.(Find the criticle points)

Related Rate

L'Hopital's Rule

ε-δ definition of continuity


Second Derivative Test
First Derivative Test
Critical Points
Inflection Points

f ''=0 or undefined. Then f '' changes sign in the vicinity of those x-values.

Absolute Extrema


Suppose that f is continuous and has exactly one relative maximum(minimun) on an interval I,say at a then f(a) is the absolute maximum(minimum) of f on I.

Relative extrema

f 'changes sign

Interpretation of f "
If f ''(x)=0, f straight line
If f ''(x)<0, f concave down
If f ''(x)>0, f concave up
Interpretation of f '
If f'(x)=0, f constant
If f'(x)<0, f decreasing
If f'(x)>0, f increasing
Rules of Diferentiation
Inverse funciton
Quatient Rule
Product Rule
Chain Rule
Higher derivatives
Addition and subtraction
Constant multiples
A function is said to be differentiable at xo if the limit above exists
Relationship between continuity and differentiability

If f(x) is differentiable in (a.b), f(x)is also continuous in (a.b). The reverse is not true.


Limits and Continuity

Continuous on [a,b]

f is continuous from the left at b

f is continuous from the right at a

f is continuous on(a,b)

Continuous at x=c


f(c) is defined

2 sides limit

Vector Functions

Tangent and Normal Vectors
Normal Vector
Tangent Vector

Polar Functions

Arc Length of a Polar Curve
Tangent Lines to Polar Curves
Conversion with Cartesian equations
x=rcosθ, y=rsinθ

Parametric Functions

Tangent Lines to Parametric Curves
singular points
vertical tangent line
horizontal tangent line
Arc Lengh of a Curve
y=f(t), x=f(t)
Converting to Cartesian Form
Finding the Derivative

Applications of The Theorems



Rolles's Theorem

Let f be continuous on the closed interval [a,b] and differentiable on the open interval (a,b). If f(a)=0 and f(b)=0, then there is at least one point c in (a,b) such that f'(c)=0

A special condition of MVT
Mean Value Theorem
Squeeze Theorem
By squeeze theorem, the limit of f(x) as x tends to c will also be L.
If the limits of g(x) and h(x) as x tends to c are the same, value L.
Let the above condition be true.
Intermediate Value Theorem

If a funtion f is continuous on[a,b] and k is a number such that f(a)<k<f(b), then there exists a number c in[a,b]such that f(c)=k.

Extreme Value Theorem

If a function f is continuous on a finite closed interval [a,b], then f has both maximum and an absulute minimum.