カテゴリー 全て - strategies - resources - teaching - discipline

によって irene Kiriazopoulos 1年前.


caring and safe schools

Creating a supportive and secure educational environment necessitates a comprehensive understanding of student behavior and the development of tailored strategies to address various intellectual and emotional challenges.

caring and safe schools

caring and safe schools

Strategies and tools for specific purposes

Early and ongoing intervention

In t e rn a l an d Ex t e rn a l Reso u rc es

• Parents • Service providers • Community partners (e.g., school-community networks, local businesses, police services, hospital services) • Information from research • Professional associations • Provincial government agencies (e.g., child and youth mental health centres, children’s aid societies) • Municipal government services (e.g., public health units, mental health agencies) • Experts (e.g., researchers, specialists) • Postsecondary institutions • Early childhood facilities • Parenting centre
In-school/multidisciplinary team • Safe school team • Student success team • Special education team • Support services • System Multidisciplinary Team • Special education advisory committee (SEAC)

the sum of all personal relationships in a school

all members feel safe, comfortable, and accepted
members of the school community demonstrate respect for others

understanding of student behaviour

identify appropriate strategies, tools, and resources they can use to address specific challenges and meet identified needs
f the types of intellectual and emotional challenges students may face

nowledge of strategies, tools, and resources

ongoing monitoring, reflection, and adjustment,
who will plan and carry out the actions, and what the time frame will b

Instr u c t io n a l Str at e g i es

Differentiated Instruction (DI)
The Tiered Approach
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Cooperative Learning

Assessm e n t an d Pl an n i n g Too l

Safety Plan
behaviour Support Plan (BSP)
Functional Behavioural Assessment (FBA)
Early Development Instrument (EDI

Str at e g i es to Promo t e Posi t i v e Be h av io u r

A Problem-Solving Approac
Restorative Practices
Direct Teaching of Social Skills

Understanding Student Behaviour

Behaviour is student and situation dependent.
Definitions of behaviour are variable and may be influenced by subjective factors.

Implementation of a progressive discipline approach

They also need to plan for ongoing monitoring, reflection, and adjustment, in order to identify further needed improvements and integrate them into their implementation processes.
System and school leaders need to identify a range of appropriate actions to be taken, as well as who will plan and carry out the actions, and what the time frame will be