Immigrants マインドマップ - Public Gallery


Fruit and Vegetables
Debbie Sedley

Fruit and Vegetables

Debbie Sedleyにより

Sample Mind Map
Kristi Daniels

Sample Mind Map

Kristi Danielsにより

Culture Shock
Jesica Botello Duque

Culture Shock

Jesica Botello Duqueにより

Historians have traditionally labeled the" period after the war of 1812 the Era of Good feelings."Evaluate the accuracy of this label,considering the emergence of nationalism and sectionalism.
Sindy Moncada

Historians have traditionally labeled the" period after the war of 1812 the Era of Good feelings."Evaluate the accuracy of this label,considering the emergence of nationalism and sectionalism.

Sindy Moncadaにより

Canadian Culture
Jaddaa Rashed

Canadian Culture

Jaddaa Rashedにより

American People... "the melting pot"
Owen Jones

American People... "the melting pot"

Owen Jonesにより

Fernanda Cevallos


Fernanda Cevallosにより

Public Diplomacy
Marnee Farris

Public Diplomacy

Marnee Farrisにより

What were the early failures
and successes of British settlement in North America. (1607-1754)
Iris Moncada

What were the early failures and successes of British settlement in North America. (1607-1754)

Iris Moncadaにより

Hudson Farmer


Hudson Farmerにより

American presidents vs. French presidents
Hudson Farmer

American presidents vs. French presidents

Hudson Farmerにより

Tree organigram
AT - 11CC - Applewood Heights SS (2152)

Tree organigram

AT - 11CC - Applewood Heights SS (2152)により

Comparing Nova Scotia and New Brunswick from 1830-1860s.
Maznah Faisal

Comparing Nova Scotia and New Brunswick from 1830-1860s.

Maznah Faisalにより

unit 3 chapter 10
Nate L

unit 3 chapter 10

Nate Lにより

Chapter 8 interactions among community
Eleanna Greco

Chapter 8 interactions among community

Eleanna Grecoにより

Why was it important to Canada to become independent after the war
Saeed f

Why was it important to Canada to become independent after the war

Saeed fにより

New Starters
Gabriela Umana

New Starters

Gabriela Umanaにより

Internationalization of Higher Education
Jessica Jiang

Internationalization of Higher Education

Jessica Jiangにより

Stan Lee
Shane Bichara

Stan Lee

Shane Bicharaにより

Canadian History Since WW1
Kieran Bullen-Edgar

Canadian History Since WW1

Kieran Bullen-Edgarにより

Workshops & Videos
kazi Hossain

Workshops & Videos

kazi Hossainにより

Prepping for Essay 3
Stacy Mitchell

Prepping for Essay 3

Stacy Mitchellにより

Xu Chen Lu


Xu Chen Luにより

CHI4U Conequences of Conquest
Maddie Hill

CHI4U Conequences of Conquest

Maddie Hillにより

Speedy and Public Trial 
Set 1
Mira and Audra
Audra Otto

Speedy and Public Trial Set 1 Mira and Audra

Audra Ottoにより