Inclusivity マインドマップ - Public Gallery


Canada mind map
Cristiano Camara

Canada mind map

Cristiano Camaraにより

TEDx Muskegon
Daniel Sima

TEDx Muskegon

Daniel Simaにより

Maryam Khaderoo


Maryam Khaderooにより

Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning. "Technological tools are essential"
Emily Dudgeon

Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning. "Technological tools are essential"

Emily Dudgeonにより

Ensuring equality
Janice Leung

Ensuring equality

Janice Leungにより

About the ECS by MB
Matthias Behrends

About the ECS by MB

Matthias Behrendsにより

EAL/D Teachers' Network
Glenn Saxby

EAL/D Teachers' Network

Glenn Saxbyにより

Andrea padavettan


Andrea padavettanにより

Pope Francis by Nolan and Zak
Zak Greene

Pope Francis by Nolan and Zak

Zak Greeneにより

Funds of Knowledge
Colin Pierce

Funds of Knowledge

Colin Pierceにより

GDPI 801- Collaboration Diversity
Stephanie Staller

GDPI 801- Collaboration Diversity

Stephanie Stallerにより

Atención a la diversidad
Lucia Rodriguez

Atención a la diversidad

Lucia Rodriguezにより

Developing my TPS
Kerrie Hyland

Developing my TPS

Kerrie Hylandにより

Punctuation and Grammar
Farzana Bano

Punctuation and Grammar

Farzana Banoにより

Keeping the Church Relevant for Today's Youth

EDUC 5445 001

By: Geneva Ishak
Geneva Ishak

Keeping the Church Relevant for Today's Youth EDUC 5445 001 By: Geneva Ishak

Geneva Ishakにより

Charles C


Charles Cにより

Andrea padavettan


Andrea padavettanにより

Web Of Understanding
Seema Narula

Web Of Understanding

Seema Narulaにより

Chloe Farrugia


Chloe Farrugiaにより

Inclusivity in Kindergarten
Erin Plummer

Inclusivity in Kindergarten

Erin Plummerにより

Love Thy Neighbor
Maegan Macfarlane

Love Thy Neighbor

Maegan Macfarlaneにより

Supporting ELL Learning Needs
Paula Stradiotto

Supporting ELL Learning Needs

Paula Stradiottoにより

Using L1 in the ESL Classroom
Carol Lew

Using L1 in the ESL Classroom

Carol Lewにより

Dual Language Texts
Lindsay Laronde

Dual Language Texts

Lindsay Larondeにより

Achieving Excellence - BIG Ideas
Evie Basztyk-Benishek

Achieving Excellence - BIG Ideas

Evie Basztyk-Benishekにより

Humanizing pedagogies
Oscar Garzón

Humanizing pedagogies

Oscar Garzónにより

Fostering Community Collaboration
Dawna Talgorn

Fostering Community Collaboration

Dawna Talgornにより

Core Group
Dani Angel

Core Group

Dani Angelにより

Forging Partnerships with Indigenous Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and Cultural Advisors
Marina Murray

Forging Partnerships with Indigenous Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and Cultural Advisors

Marina Murrayにより

How Teachers Address Bullying
Amy Hornung

How Teachers Address Bullying

Amy Hornungにより

Digital Learning Portfolio Plan
Kylene Higgins

Digital Learning Portfolio Plan

Kylene Higginsにより

Sirius Domains
Dani Angel

Sirius Domains

Dani Angelにより

Integrated Community Health and Wellness Initiative
Asif Ali

Integrated Community Health and Wellness Initiative

Asif Aliにより

Instructional Competencies and Skills
haley pratt

Instructional Competencies and Skills

haley prattにより

3 Block Model and Indigenous Education
Brandon Grant

3 Block Model and Indigenous Education

Brandon Grantにより

Inclusive Assessment
Katie Manakis

Inclusive Assessment

Katie Manakisにより

Teacher Librarian Inquiry Topic
Alicia Fresco - Erin Centre MS (1319)

Teacher Librarian Inquiry Topic

Alicia Fresco - Erin Centre MS (1319)により

How Do We School BC
Brandon Grant

How Do We School BC

Brandon Grantにより

Dual Language in the Classroom
Shanaya Theiventhiran

Dual Language in the Classroom

Shanaya Theiventhiranにより