Persistence マインドマップ - Public Gallery


Think and Grow Rich 11 Main Chapters
Sebastian Acosta

Think and Grow Rich 11 Main Chapters

Sebastian Acostaにより

عادات العقل لكوستا وكاليك
Adnan Ali

عادات العقل لكوستا وكاليك

Adnan Aliにより

Mechanical Engineering
Kajen Thavaraj

Mechanical Engineering

Kajen Thavarajにより

Muñek_viajera Muñek_viajera


Muñek_viajera Muñek_viajeraにより

Character Analysis for Gilgamesh and Odysseus
Bobby Jones

Character Analysis for Gilgamesh and Odysseus

Bobby Jonesにより

Gary Sibbitts


Gary Sibbittsにより

Self-efficacy  in academic settings
Gabriela Prieto

Self-efficacy in academic settings

Gabriela Prietoにより
Maryna Volakhava

Maryna Volakhavaにより

Charles Kao (answer)
Kennex Chan

Charles Kao (answer)

Kennex Chanにより

Think "Big!"
Shawn Mei

Think "Big!"

Shawn Meiにより

Dalea Anuar


Dalea Anuarにより

English Project
Nani Gallo

English Project

Nani Galloにより

Claudia Chio
Claudia Chio

Claudia Chio

Claudia Chioにより

Advancing the Learning Community to Achieve School Goals
Seema Narula

Advancing the Learning Community to Achieve School Goals

Seema Narulaにより

Question: 1. What are the fixed and growth mindsets  2. How do people with each mindset exprience the reaction between failure and self esteem 3.  How do the fm and gm affect learning?
Matt Lawlor

Question: 1. What are the fixed and growth mindsets 2. How do people with each mindset exprience the reaction between failure and self esteem 3. How do the fm and gm affect learning?

Matt Lawlorにより

Mechanical Engineering
shubham sharma

Mechanical Engineering

shubham sharmaにより

Technology for Diverse Learners
Andrea Lopez

Technology for Diverse Learners

Andrea Lopezにより

SRC/Equity Plan 2023-2026
Duane Leonard

SRC/Equity Plan 2023-2026

Duane Leonardにより

The doctrine is represented by the string which holds the kite to the spool. The string is a solid foundation and will not change. It will always hold the kite to the spool. The actual kite represents the principles that you want to be implemented in the classroom and what you want the children to see and understand. The spool holding the string and kite represents the application of the principles. It represents how the children apply what they learn.
Payton Clark

The doctrine is represented by the string which holds the kite to the spool. The string is a solid foundation and will not change. It will always hold the kite to the spool. The actual kite represents the principles that you want to be implemented in the classroom and what you want the children to see and understand. The spool holding the string and kite represents the application of the principles. It represents how the children apply what they learn.

Payton Clarkにより

keanu smith


keanu smithにより

explorer academy
Joel Thornton

explorer academy

Joel Thorntonにより