によって Vlad Zamfir 3年前.
cbc Casper Roadmap
The text delves into various aspects of blockchain technology with a particular focus on optimizing the Ethereum network. It discusses the CBC Casper protocol, which aims to improve the efficiency and security of blockchain through mechanisms like validator set rotation and Byzantine fault tolerance.
Memoized Viewable Updates txs and EVM cbc Casper Roadmap Livenet "Enterprise Blockchain" What's in EVM? Altcoins! Main Chain Ethereum
After finality gadget
After sidechain Research what estimators have efficient safety calculations? what estimators have liveness? for what propositions? Safety Oracle Analysis Economics/Mechanism design Liveness Strategies/Measures "Normal Liveness" Tree operations Optimal Load Balancing Prototype @
ethereum/cbc-casper Handle Byzantine faults DoS Prevention Efficiency Minimal Justification "Reduced" forkchoice Subjectivity Automatic/Manual Finality Mechanism design Bonding and Unbonding Penalties and Rewards 'Protocols' CRDT Replication Friendly GHOST Validator Set Rotation
Sharding Load balancing
Static shards
Testnet What features? Client Overlay P2P Peering Sidechain Transfer Contract Light client
Easy Multi-sig
Educational Material Non-Interactive ELI5 In-progress Research Documentation? FAQ Resource List Interactive Bounties! Quiz Forum/Questions