によって Leah Relleve 11か月前.
Ch 52 Refugee (Isabel)
Isabel is enjoying her new life in Miami, finding happiness in the welcoming environment and the opportunity to make new friends. She is thrilled to be playing the trumpet again, particularly in her school band class, which brings her immense joy.
Ch 52 Refugee (Isabel) What are positive things that Isabel is experiencing in Miami? Some positive things that Isabel's experiencing in Miami is she's playing the Isabel is going to school and is doing the trumpet in band class. Subtopic she is playing the trumpet again i think that isebels is expirenceing welcoming and nice people Band and learning clave. her mom got a job and so did her dad and her family is finally free and happy family she is feeling lots of joy because their now safe that there in america. Isabella's now living a free life and can do a lot more things then she was able to do in Cuba. She's now in school and it's the first day of band class. she is making friends,and she might make the band. She is feeling joy and a lot of happiness because she can finally hear the clave in the music and she is playing the trumpet. Some positive things Isabel are expieriencing are making new friends and playing music. Isabel in Miami is experiencing many things
at once she is also happy for preforming with her instrument happy happy happy!! happiness and joy Doing band What are positive things that Isabel's family and friends are experiencing in Miami? isabel is going to school and doing band class lil mariano's dad is getting a job and saving up money for a car for his family They are getting jobs and little Mariano is making friends in daycare. They are all getting good jobs. shes going to school isabels family are happy that they can get jobs and not have to run anymore Freedom happiness not needing to run anymore Some positive things Isabels friends and family are expierencing are getting jobs and starting school. they are getting jobs and accomplishing what they what to do. Getting jobs there are Getting jobs and finally having peace I think that they would feel sorrow.. but still feel hapiness she is going to school now