カテゴリー 全て - presidency - progressivism - advocacy - welfare

によって robert griffith 12年前.


ch.9 the progressive era robert griffith bths

The Progressive Era was marked by significant political and social reforms aimed at addressing economic opportunities and injustices in American life. Theodore Roosevelt, who unexpectedly rose to the presidency, championed a series of progressive reforms known as the Square Deal, which focused on fairness and equality.

ch.9 the progressive era robert griffith bths

ch.9 the progressive era robert griffith bths

section 5: wilson's new freedom

president wilson believed in attacking large concentrations of power to give greater freedom to average citizens.
the second major antitrust measure, the federal Tade commision (FTC)
woodrow wilson claimed progressive ideas, but he had a different idea for the federal goverment.

section 4: progressivism under taft

presiden taft saw the presidency as lonely and taught law at yale for eight years.
president taft won the presidency under the slogan " vote for taft this time, you can vote for bryan anytime".
he initaited the popular presidency custom by throwing out the first pitch a t a major leage baseball game.

section 3: teddy rosevelts square deal

teddy rosevelt was not supposed to be president. in 1900 the young govenor from new york was urged to run.
rosevelt was born into a wealthy new york family in 1858, he boxed and wresteled at harvard college.
a square deal was a term used to refer to the many progressive reforms that were sponsored by the rosevelt administration.

section 1: the origins of progressivism

the progressive movement, aimed to restore economic oppurtunites and correct injustices in american life.
florence kelley became an advocate for improving the lives of women and children
each of the progressive efforts shared at least one of the folloming goals: protectiing social welfare, promoting moral improvement, creating economic reform, fostering efficiency.

Main topic

section 2: women in public life

on farms in the southa dn the midwest, womens roles had not changed substantially since the previous century.
women i started to hold more and more important roles in everyday society durring this time period.
the NACW was the national association of colored women.