によって Hannah Cassell 4年前.
CHAPTER 2: Getting Ready for Inquiry Instruction
In preparing for inquiry-based instruction, it is crucial to focus on various aspects of science and engineering to cultivate students' abilities in scientific inquiry. Activities that capture students'
CHAPTER 2: Getting Ready for Inquiry Instruction Using resources to develop storylines Make sure to involve all three areas of the NGSS guidelines Through the use of a unit plan storyline framework, lesson searching and planning will get easier Use resources that are available for you to decide what to teach Develop relationships between a lesson in the unit, activities and learning goals Start by deciding what to teach, and then think about how to teach Aspects of doing science & engineering The students will also acquire the abilities to do scientific inquiry Students will engage in various types of investigations The students will develop science process skills and know how to involve themselves in the lesson This should capture their interest and involve hands on activity This area should specify more about what the students should be able to do when problem solving Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry Communicating about investigations Developing data-based, evidence-based explanations Gathering and analyzing data Planning and conducting investigations Asking questions Engineering design connects to scientific inquiry Communicating about the problem, design, and solution Evaluating the solution Implementing a solution Designing an approach Stating a problem Getting prepared for instructional planning Use a lesson planning framework to plant lessons for science topics Use 'SWBAT' statements in preparation. "Students will be able to" Take concepts and break them down into smaller learning targets Make sure that there are clear learning goals Use appropriate instructional learning strategies, methods, and concepts Identifying learning goals aligned with standards Develop unit-level learning progressions Use the districts science curriculum Following the National Science Education Standards Involving the three aspects of NGSS Making sure that the goals are aligned with state standards