Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens, a prominent Victorian-era novelist, used his literary works to highlight the struggles of the poor and critique social inequalities. Born in 1812 and active during the 19th century, Dickens often wrote about the harsh realities faced by the lower classes, aiming to make the ruling classes aware of these issues.
Charles Dickens Oliver Twist (1837) Themes: City Vs Countryside Fate Thievary and Crime Good Vs Evil Poor People Were Treated Badly Setting London at three social levels Victorian Middle classes
criminal world
Plot In the end the gang was arrested He had a noble origin Mr Brownlow (victim) took his home got into a gang of thives run away from London asked for more food so was sent out of the workhouse born from unknown parents reflects the childhood of the author Style Melodrama Great use of suspence hyperbolic and ironic remarks repetition of words juxtapositions of images effective language powerful descriptions Characters aim? to make the ruling classes aware of the problems acquired knowledge about porrer neighbours Children so important moral teachers On the side of the poor people Upper middle classes exaggerating his characters habits 18th century realistic Works: 1870= Mistery of Edwin Drood 1864= Our Mutual Friend 1860 = Great Expectations 1858= A tale of two cities 1855= Little Dorrit 1853= Hard Times 1852 = Bleak house 1851 = What Christmas is as we get older 1849= David Copperifield 1846= Dombey and son 1844= Christmas Carol 1842= Martin Chuzzlewit 1841= Barnaby Rudge 1840= Old Curiosity Shop 1838= Nicholas Nickleby 1837= first instalments of O.Twist 1836 = Pickwick papers Biography (1812-1870) during Victorian Age (1837-1901) 1867 = 2 american tour 1853 = first public reading of his works 1842-44-46= travelled to USA, Italy, Switzerland 1836 = married Catherine hogarth 1832 = began to work as a reporter Studied in a school of London for boys 1824 = Sent to a factory