によって ZAHIN ABRER 3年前.
Charter of Rights and Freedoms
The document highlights the importance of various rights and responsibilities under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, emphasizing legal, mobility, fundamental, and equality rights.
Charter of Rights and Freedoms Legal Rights The responsibility of
telling the truth in court Report people who
break the law Following the law Equality Rights Reporting others for
breaking the law regardless
of age, sex, race, etc. Respecting others and
their rights of equality
under the law Official Languages
of Canada Respecting and understanding
the fact that Canada is a
bilingual country Learning English
and/or French General Celebrating multiculturalism
in Canada Realizing your opposite sex
has the same rights described
by the Charter Respecting Aboriginal Peoples,
their heritage, and learning about /
spreading awareness of the past
atrocities on them by the government Mobility Rights Respecting COVID
restrictions on travel Respecting travel
laws Democratic Rights Critically thinking about
who you should vote for Voting in elections Fundamental Freedoms Ensuring your own
fundamental freedoms
are completely fulfilled Respecting each other's
fundamental freedoms as
humans and fellow citizens