カテゴリー 全て - warfare - science - consequences - surgery

によって Warraich Inderpreet 7年前.


Concquence map

Lasers are sophisticated tools that harness light, passing it through a medium to produce beams of varying colors and intensities. These versatile devices find applications in multiple fields such as medical treatments, scientific research, and consumer electronics.

Concquence map

Lasers affect me in the long term because when I get old and surgery or i'm losing my sight i can get laser eye surgery which will allow me to see and live longer

Lasers also allow me to watch movies using a disc and listen to music in my car CD and DVD players use lasers to scan the data and send it out to me as music or a film

They allow me to buy items bar code scanners use lasers to scan and allow me to find out the price of a item and buy the item

Lasers affect me in the long term and the short term

Nasa for example uses lasers to calculate cloud coverage and water vapor on earth which is very important because they can predict how much it will rain or will it rain

Lasers do not affect the environment but are used to predict what's going to happen in the environment

It's also desirable by countries because of the the advancements in the medical field and more surgeries depend on lasers which means if your country doesn't have lasers they won't be able to provide you with the best surgery's and the highest level of health care.

Lasers are almost in everything its desirable globally due to the major advancements in laser technology. For example what is said above about the breakthrough starshot will be a huge landmark for mankind and will uncover a lot and may answer questions like “is there life in space”

Lasers are desirable globally, country, region, company, immediate neighbors, and people in general

if vendors sell lasers that are stronger than 5 milliwatts and call them lasers that is illegal

A laser pointer cannot be laser pointer if it is stronger than 5 milliwatts

Lasers of any power aren’t banned

Some of the legal consequences for lasers include…

The reason why that is possible is because high powered lasers are attached to the solar sail which let out a lot of energy and allow the spacecraft to reach 20% of the speed of light in just 10 minutes this concept is known as beam sailing

Lasers are also used in space missions. For example mission breakthrough starshot which sends out 1000 little spaceships that are 3.5 cm big and have 4 x 4 meters of solar sail attached to them are sent out to alpha centauri (closest star system to us at the moment). The little spaceships will reach alpha centauri in just 20 years by traveling at the 20% of the speed of light which is the fast we have ever gotten

Lasers are actually light thats is reflected of an mirror which the goes through a energy source and through a crystal to change its color so a red laser is created through a medium which contains helium and neon to make a red ray

To make a nuclear fusion you need really high temperatures which can be created by highly powered lasers

Lasers can also be used to generate energy through nuclear fusion

For example Nasa uses lasers to calculate cloud coverage and water vapor on earth

Lasers are used in science a lot

People can open up businesses for laser eye surgery, laser hair removal, laser engravings, etc. which is a good way to make money and to benefit customers

Lasers aren't only used in warfare and surgery but in DVD players and bar code scanners

Another way people use lasers is for war people use lasers to aim better which is bad because that allows military to kill people

For example people use laser for hair removal which is good but effects cultures that don’t remove hair due to religious reasons

Lasers are useful for a lot of things could be bad or good

Concquence map

Ethical/Legal Consequences

Economic Consequences

Environmental Consequences

Scientific Consequences

Socitey Consequences

Personal Consequences


(n.d.). Retrieved December 12, 2017, from http://breakthroughinitiatives.org/initiative/3
Solar sail. (2017, December 12). Retrieved December 12, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_sail
Physics, I. O. (n.d.). Retrieved December 12, 2017, from http://www.iop.org/cs/page_43644.html
How do lasers work? | Who invented the laser? (2017, May 04). Retrieved December 12, 2017, from http://www.explainthatstuff.com/lasers.html
O. (n.d.). Posts about laser on A day in the life... Retrieved December 12, 2017, from https://osuwomeninphysics.wordpress.com/tag/laser/