によって María Márquez 13年前.
Cuba__ Havana
Cuba has undergone significant transformations over the years, particularly under communist rule. Initially, the government took control of land and businesses, limiting citizens' freedom of expression.
Cuba __ Havana The Exiles They have also moved ever since the Soviet Union stopped helping. They are moving to the United States hoping Cuba will change Cubans have been leaving their country ever since Castro took power Location Located at entrance at the Gulf of Mexico Good place for trade It's a small countru in the Caribbean Sea Before Communism Tourists came to enjoy the waether and visit the beaches Hotels were built and tourists came to Cuba Sugar planters made money selling to the U.S Cuba Today The economy is improving Began encouraging touriusm Castro began allowing ownership Cuba and the Soviet Union It was called the Cold War The Soviet Union helped Cuba in such as food and clothing and many other resources The Soviet Union built an atomic-missle in Cuba that if fired it would strike the United States As a communist country Could not speak aganist the government Took land and businesess The government owned most businesess