によって maha shamaa 17年前.
Darwinian Evolution final
The concept of Darwinian evolution revolves around the idea that all life on Earth shares a common ancestor, leading to the diverse range of species we see today. This process, known as descent with modification, is driven by genetic inheritance.
Darwinian Evolution his theory has been observable and tested genetic mutation artificial selection study of living species the fossil record Evolution; does not contradict religion because they are two different unrelated things is not a random process definition of evolution it's a cumulative change that occur in a population overtime Important concepts Micro and Macro evolution which are the study of evolution in both small and large scales genes: portions of an organism's DNA that carry the code responsible for the built of that's oragnism Species: a group of interbreeding or potentially interbreeding populations his misunderstoods that his theory is false due to the incomplete record fossil fossilization is a very rare eent that evolution is related to the origin of life which is wrong because evolution deals with the way of life after it's origin he claims that evolution is a ladder of progress this has been misunderstood as conditions are changing and what is better under a condition may not under another His book of the "Origins of Species" he discovered the finches which looked different introduced the concept of mutation and changes in species discussed natural selection and the survival of the fittest His propositions divergence which result from isolation variation will be favoured which will give tendency for varieties to become more distinct changes in circumstances will favour transmission of advantageous features in new conditions that selectve action struggle for existence that artificial selection had a marked effect Mechanisms Adaptation: common feature that prvides improved function Genetic Variation contains 3 sources:mutations, gene flow, sex Artifical selection: is the intentional reproduction of individuals that have desirable traits Natural selection: nature chooses those better able to survive and reproduce Biological evolution all life on earth shares a common ancestor and this led to the great diversity in the kind of species descent with modification through genetic inheritance