DERECHOS PATRIMONIALESEl patrimonio es el conjunto de derechos y obligaciones de una persona, apreciables en dinero.
•Los derechos que integran el patrimonio, activa y pasivamente, representan una ventaja de orden económico o pecuniario.
Use a die to choose which activities you will have to perform.
If there are multiple players, they will roll the dice one by one. The first one who gets all sides of the die and completes the mind map will win. They can use the same die or different dice.
Let's roll the dice!
•El patrimonio es el conjunto de derechos y obligaciones de una persona, apreciables en dinero.
•Los derechos que integran el patrimonio, activa y pasivamente, representan una ventaja de orden económico o pecuniario.
If you rolled a 6, you will have to type in the name of six wild animals.
Tema principal
Name 4 plants
If you rolled a 4, you will have to type in the name of four plants.
Name 5 pets
If you rolled a 5, you will have to type in the name of five pets.
Wild animal
•Los derechos que integran el patrimonio, activa y pasivamente, representan una ventaja de orden económico o pecuniario.
•El patrimonio es el conjunto de derechos y obligaciones de una persona, apreciables en dinero.
Name 3 movies
If you rolled a 3, you will have to type in the name of three movies.
Name two books
If you rolled a 2, you will have to type in the names of two books.
Name a game
If you rolled a 1, you will have to type in the name of the game.