によって Terry Messmer 7年前.
Diffusion of Information
The spread of new ideas or products within a community follows a pattern where key individuals play crucial roles. Opinion leaders are pivotal in shaping positive attitudes toward innovations, making them prime targets for persuasion.
Diffusion of Innovation The Tipping Point To change prevailing attitudes about an innovation, it is best to persuade opinion leaders To eliminate a deficit of awareness of an innovation, mass media channels are most appropriate. Persuading opinion leaders is the easiest way to foment positive attitudes toward an innovation. The Social System Change agent is an individual who
attempts to influence clients' innovation-decisions Individual is able to influence informally other individuals' attitudes Constitutes a boundary within which an innovation diffuses A set of interrelated units that are engaged in joint problem-solving to accomplish a common goal. Time Innovativeness Laggards 16% Late Majority 34% Early Majority 34% Early Adopters 13.5% Innovators 2.5% Innovation-decision process. Confirmation Implementation Decision Persuasion Knowledge Rate of Adoption Communication Channels Evaluation based on opinions of near-peers who have adopted the innovation rather than professional surveys. Means by which information gets from one individual to another. Individuals create and share information Innovation Observability to those withing the social system Trialibility Complexibility Compatibility Relative Advantage