によって peter hill 15年前.
Resource Center to share construct, store, and broadcast lessons.
-ICT - Sound system, Tablet, Scanner all out DET scope and bought by Peter.
- Microscopes, webcams, Oscilliscope again as cutting edge are outside DET scope and bought by Peter.
Replacement required by ware and tear a now a major cost.
As work is not recognised by school's strategic plan there is no allocation of time or resources for development and desemination.
30 mins per day Robotics
30 mins per day Lessonpeer.
$3kpa from family's discressionary Budget
- 30 - 40%
Costs of building and renting website is met by Peter.
New scheme teacher, required to keep extensive portfolioes of all work.
No career path in DET, next move to Western Sydney disadvantaged school.
Protected - access to processing technology has the potential to expose students to risk
It should :
be Efficient and to educationally sound
provide Dynamic Feedback- assessment
Filtered - Childprotection
Accessable - Equity
Directed - by lesson
Teaching Operational Plan
Links interpretation to
Articulate Communication of Objective