によって C Langmaid 10年前.
Living with a chronic illness or disability presents significant challenges across multiple aspects of life. Individuals often face societal stigma and discrimination, which can lead to reduced participation in social activities and employment opportunities.
Pyschosocial spirituality vulnerablity support levels mental health impact isolation especially the vulnerable anxiety depression exposure to someone with chronic disease experience of chronic disease/ personalised financial burden social impacts family& friends work independence empowerment pertception of self image care giver strain effective/ ineffective coping life style changes Disability Biomedical physical medication accessability rural versus urban service provision socio economic status spectrum of range ie min to max effect education burden of disease creative ways of participation/ ways of adaption coping mechanisms build support networks life lost cultural perceptions limitation in activities community impact due to pre existing disability increase co morbidities stigma discrimination family resources financial long term fluctuating incurable chronic participation restrictions social activities employment impaired body structure and Function reduction in self care